Thursday, January 27, 2011

Volcanos and Ikea

So, having only recently received news that my visa has been approved and is on it's way to me right now, last night a news update informed me that a volcano was sending ash across the flight path to Bali and that some flights were being cancelled/diverted if already in the air. I've been keeping an eye on it overnight and today, and a bunch more flights have been cancelled as well. It seems only Jetstar and Virgin flights have been cancelled, and all the AirAsia and Garuda flights are continuing to fly- either Jetstar and Virgin are showing extra precaution, or the AirAsia and Garuda aircraft and somehow different and unaffected by ash. I'm used to this kind of impending disappointment- I once had to sell my BDO ticket (to which I was probably more excited about at the time than about 5 of these Bali trips combined) because I caught the chicken pox. I was 18yrs old. Disappointment and I go way back, so I know not to stress over the things I can't change. My flight is on the 31st, and flights up until the end of today have all been cancelled, with flights tomorrow all on notice and to be updated...well... soon actually.

Here's an amazing photo of what the volcano, also known as Mt. Bromo, looks like from one of the residential areas nearby.

There's more information (and rightful reference to the above photo) at this URL... SMH.

Since my flight is still too far away to confirm, there's really nothing I can do at all except keep an eye on what's happening and work with whatever does happen. I'll get to Bali eventually, there are no doubts about that.

On a much happier note, I had a lovely Ikea date with Emily today. Ikea is so much fun. The following are photos of us enjoying Ikea...

Mmmmm... tasty Swedish meatballs... :)

It's all true. Emily uses a Squigee to clean her glasses.

...and her face.

The last challenge was that we had a rather long-shaped bookcase to take to home. We were going to do the old diagonal job and hang it out the front window, but just getting it in the car was going to be a hard enough task. Instead, we took one for women everywhere and successfully tied it to the roof racks. And yes, it got home in one peice.

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