Sunday, November 28, 2010

Curriculum and stuff...

So I'm flicking through some old textbooks I found at the library about ESL frameworks and whatnot so that I can get some good ideas for the school once I arrive. But curriculum planning is sooooo hard! I don't really even know where to start. Everything is justified before its even stated. I know it's important to plan long term, now tell me what to plan!! This is going to take a bit longer than I had anticipated...

Another photo to keep me motivated...

Pretty-ing Things Up

I just realised how much nicer this all might be if I added some pictures. Even just one or two between posts. Here's a little something to get the ball rolling. :)

Experience, Experience, Experience.

So, the last few weeks have been some of the best ones of the year. I've been in my new job for 3 weeks now, working around 35-40hrs a week, and it's brilliant! I'm loving close to every second of the day, from the simple stuff, to the customer stuff, and then there's the other staff/friends stuff. Everybody there is so much fun and really nice! Not that I didn't love my old job, because I did- and the staff there became very good friends of mine. I think the difference is that we are more like-minded at JB's. I mean, I'm still the geekazoid who tries to crack stupid jokes or knows just a little too much about ancient history, but rather than feel like a complete outcast, I just feel a bit quirky. Maybe even in a good way. Work is fun, and I am loving going there every day, even if it's filled with crazy red pill customers (traffic light 'pills', a little trick I picked up from my old, old work to describe just how painfully awful a customer is).

But wait, this isn't a "Rave about how awesome my new job is" kind of blog. It's about Bali, and my going there more to the point. Don't think for a second that I've forgotten about that in amongst all my work shifts. Nope, it is right there in the forefront! This week has been an especially important week as well with two pretty landmark moments occurring. First of all, I got in contact with the owner of the Villa in Ubud and settled on a cost and...wait for it... I have made my deposit! Yep, Villa is now firmly confirmed. Well... I hope. Please refer to blog titled "Murphy's Law" to remind yourself of my own superstition about jinxing myself and whatnot. Plenty can still go wrong, and I am totally aware of that. As is my mother, and that is another story all together, but for the most part she is very supportive. Now.

The second most amazing thing that has happened this week is the even more firmly confirmed addition to my "Bali Visitors" list. One of my oldest friends who I have happily kept in contact with for quite a while now has made the decision to come to Bali while I am there and she will be sharing the villa with me for a week! I am so excited that she is coming, and as an overview of my month, I will literally only be alone for 7 days! Considering I was at one point looking at doing 21 days straight with nobody from home, this is quite a difference. Perhaps all those conversations I have had with friends that I've come out of thinking, 'I just bored them to death with all that shit about how connected to Bali I am', yep, perhaps those conversations aren't quite so boring! At least not to everyone. But obviously not all the credit goes to me and my innate ramblings, the country itself has a bit to offer. The spa treatments seem to do quite a bit of pulling in this case.

One of the other main reasons why I am so excited to have people coming to stay (besides the fact that my friends/the boyfriend are just super amazing people who I love spending time with) is because I love experiencing places with difference people. I have been to Bali with the boyfriend twice already, as I may have already mentioned, and it's been great both times as I'm sure it will be again, but I am especially looking forward to seeing Bali with my other friends too- just to see what they enjoy, what they really take out of there experience and thus alter my experience. Maybe it sounds like I'm a bit of a sheep- you know, I'll enjoy what ever they enjoy, but that's not really how I mean it. I enjoy seeing other people enjoy things. It's simple in many ways, and I guess it's why I really love kids and teaching- without the satisfaction of making a difference, teaching would be an impossible gig. But that's the honest truth; I know I am going to enjoy eating at some really great restaurants, and drinking some amazing cocktails with the twins, but I also know I'm going to enjoy some great sights and enjoy a lot of culture and art with Elise, then really relax at the end of my trip with the boyfriend. And you know what, having just said that, even if none of that actually happens I'm sure each of these amazing people' will give me a different memory of my time spent in Bali. And THAT is what I'm looking forward to. Yes. I finally got my point across. Now I've kinda forgotten where I was going with this post in general.

I have just 64 days to go until I leave. All the work I'm doing is definitely helping with the Rupiah-saving, and with Christmas around the corner I know what is going to happen- busy busy busy at work, followed by too tired to go out and spend money. Best recipe for saving money. Just like getting dog-sick is usually the easiest way to lose weight. ;) So here's hoping that I can reach that goal I have set and really enjoy my trip rather than constantly stress about finances. Hoping.

Now that my accommodation is sorted, the list I mentioned way back in an older post is getting pretty close to finished. Flights, accommodation, insurance, smart traveller and even a decent amount of research for my teaching has already taken place. I still need to organise my visa, but other than that and saving I'm all set to go! Packing will be fun.

Anyway, this was kind of a shit post, I apologise. There is no structure today, most probably because I've spent a long weekend working and staying out late, followed by an evening today spent reading my friends incredible blog to which I have given up on even trying to match. It's amazing, and mine... well.

Adios amigos!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

No Vacancy? (A Quick One)

Only a week or so after actually confirming my villa in Ubud and it looks like I might only have the place to myself for a fraction of the time! Which is great! I have a potential 5 or 6 people coming to visit, all at different times throughout the month. And what a perfect excuse to go and see all the fun touristy stuff again and again! hehehe.

On a side note, I have been lucky enough to get a fantastic new job at the new JB HiFi store opening later this month. I'm super excited to get started there, but it also meant I had to resign from the OSHC- something that was very difficult for me to do! I loved, loved, loved being at the OSHC and will miss it so much, but moving into this new opportunity is the right thing for me right now. And a year off from kids before starting to teach will be exactly what the doctor ordered! ;)

Now I just have to get through the Christmas/New Year period with some of my health and wealth intact, and Bali will be just around the corner! 85 Days until I leave!