Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Two- Part Two

I don't really remember where I left off tonight but here is how my night panned out...

Dagmara and I had dinner at Mojo's Flying Burritos restaurant and talked a bit more about how to develop some curriculum for the ESL students at Green School. I think we are both feeling reasonably confident with how it will go, but we'll see. I agreed to spend tomorrow a Starfish to work on the planning etc, and also to get the feel of how the centre really works too. I hope I can eventually teach some lessons, even if it's just an occassional class. I sat in on/helped out with one of Ina's classes today and it was really fun and good to see.

Anyway, we left Mojo's and met up with Carla and Ina, then Ina, Dagmara and myself went to a bar. I can't remember what it was called now, but it was a reggae bar. We saw the last couple of songs by the band, which was cool- just your typical reggae covers but people were dancing and getting into it. We left there because Ina had bought some arak from a friend, so we went to her house and drank it by the pool. One of Dagmara's friends joined us with his guitar, and before you know it we are all drunk and singing wonderwall. :) I have had about 5 arak drinks tonight, and I think that will last me for the week at least. Local alcohol...

Anyway, Dagmara almost took us to a pirate party and right before we left she found out it wasn't tonight, but tomorrow night. So instead we went to a place called CP lounge. I didn't even realise how late it was until now, but its actually 4 o'clock already. I just got back to the villa, but that wasn't the end of my night. I got locked out by the housekeepers and security and didn't have the main gate key so I was about the call Dagmara for help but a security guard came outside and found me. He didn't speak any english, so I did my best and eventually we worked it out. We walked down to the villa and, of course, my gate had also been locked! And again I didnt have that key, only the one to my villa door! So, since he had no key, we had to climb under the gate. I felt so bad for getting this lovely man to help me break into my own villa, but he didn't seem to mind too much. Note to self, get all the keys, and get home earlier! Whooooops! :)

Now, since I still plan to get up early to plan, I guess I need to get to sleep. zzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kati you party animal! Bringing the lylabird vibes to Bali i see singing wonderwall! hehe

i'm getting very excited and kind of nervous about leaving on monday - so many things that could potentially go wrong weather wise, stupid cyclones and volcanos!! wishing you were here for your sage advice lol

can't wait to see you! keep having fun!